• Weaving across network boundaries

    #BubbleSurfing, #BubbleSharing, #BubblePopping

    Soap bubble photo by Erik Škof on Unsplash
  • Whenever an initiative is given a name, a boundary emerges:
    by choosing to not name our initiative we position ourselves to work across boundaries.

    We facilitate connections across boundaries of impact networks worldwide
    without inviting people to join yet one more online community or a platform.

    If you are a connector or a network weaver eager to facilitate inter-network connections, please get in touch!
    broken image


    Closing triangles

    Introducing connectors / weavers in impact networks interested in cross-network collaboration.

    broken image


    Small groups

    Bringing together connectors / weavers to co-learn and exchange around patterns observed in and across networks.

    broken image



    Offering / looking for / sharing across networks without having to join any new platforms.

  • Our Team

    In 2022 this initative is lovingly funded by Permaculture CoLab through Capacity+ Project.

    Nenad Maljković on LinkedIn

    Nenad Maljković

    Collapse-aware network weaver, group process facilitator and teamwork coach with a motto "Towards regenerative cultures through dialogic collaboration". Enabler of local, bioregional and global high-trust networks for systemic change. As collaborative cultures practitioner I divide my work between local to translocal level of scale as a member of the Croatian Permaculture and continental to global level of scale as an associate in Greaterthan Collective. [LinkedIn]

    Carolina Carvalho on LinkedIn

    Carolina Carvalho

    A network ecologist turned network weaver. Trying to accelerate our transition to a regenerative future through data science and Digital-MRV for regenerative projects at African Data Technologies, network weaving and activation at the Global Regeneration CoLab, and permaculture design and environmental education at Kumano Shindo. Also inter-network weaving and connecting a bit all over the place! [LinkedIn]